Tthe theory of democracy and the relationship between Human Rights and popular sovereignty

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This article discusses the Kantian component in the theory of deliberative democracy. It begins claiming that Kant not only incorporates individual rights but also the idea of popular sovereignty: This author values democracy; however, a system of principles has normative priority over the practice of collective self-determination. The text later shows that Habermas’s theory of deliberative democracy elaborates a Kantian justification. Thus, it does not reconstruct the balance between rights and democracy as it claims to do; it rather builds an argument similar to Kant’s.

Article Details

David Eduardo Martínez

Author Biography

David Eduardo Martínez, Universidad San Sebastián (Chile) Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins (Chile)
Universidad San Sebastián (Chile)
Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins (Chile)
Martínez, D. E. (2019). Tthe theory of democracy and the relationship between Human Rights and popular sovereignty. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(48), 139-150.


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