ALPHA: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofía <div align="justify"> <p>La Revista se traza como objetivo servir de órgano de comunicación de los temas humanísticos, cobijados en tres grandes áreas temáticas: Literatura, Lingüística y Filosofía, margen de acción que ha crecido a la par de su consolidación en la comunidad científica, dando cabida a colaboraciones en artes, estudios culturales, teoría crítica, o temas que sin pertenecer exclusivamente a alguna de estas áreas del conocimiento constituyen puntos de encuentro de las mismas. Estas líneas se actualizan en la medida en que lo hace la división universitaria del conocimiento (la de las Naciones Unidas) y siempre que se reúnan los criterios de calidad que el Consejo de Redacción ha establecido.</p> <p>Las contribuciones académicas&nbsp; son recepcionadas entre los meses de <strong>abril</strong> <strong>y noviembre, ambos inclusive</strong> y pueden circunscribirse en alguno de los siguientes subgéneros textuales: Artículo; Notas; Reseñas; Documento.</p> </div> es-ES (Diana Kiss de Alejandro) (Ana Celia Comigual) Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Presentación <p>Si hemos de aceptar la tesis de Charaudeau, acerca de que el discurso constituye una puesta en escena a la que ingresan sujetos empíricos revestidos de una nueva identidad (discursiva ahora), y parcialmente coincidente con la de los sujetos empíricos de los que provienen, podemos aceptar, entonces, que lo que vincula a la mayoría de los trabajos que presentamos en este quincuagésimo noveno número de <em>Revista ALPHA </em>es precisamente la mirada a los distintos “yoes” que emergen en el escenario discursivo, sea que este se ofrezca en formato lingüístico-textual o pictórico e incluso coreográfico-dancístico.</p> . . Copyright (c) 2025 . . Wed, 08 Jan 2025 19:37:58 +0000 Is there poetry here? <p>Is there poetry here? In this work several possible answers to this central question are discussed. The question operates as a starting point for a reflection on the presence (and absence) of poetry in our linguistic practices and in the non-linguistic material reality of the “world of life” (Schutz). At the same time, it is an attempt to theorize about poetry and the poetic, putting into practice, in a very personal way, what Georg Steiner calls “the poetry of thought” and appealing to the notion of image proposed by Lezama Lima.</p> Sergio Mansilla Torres Copyright (c) 2025 Sergio Mansilla Torres Thu, 02 Jan 2025 02:14:43 +0000 LA ORQUÍDEA Y LA AVISPA: UNA LECTURA CONJETURAL DE ALTURAS DE MACCHU PICCHU <p>Based on the phrase: the orchid and the wasp make a map within a rhizome, we conjecture that one of the subjects who say <em>I</em> in the poem and the people buried in Macchu Picchu enter into a common future. Such becoming creates “another Macchu Picchu” not a carbon copy of the real monument; creation unleashed by the presence of various <em>selves</em> in the text (or various “Nerudas”).</p> Mario Rodríguez Fernández, José Manuel Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2025 Mario Rodríguez Fernández, José Manuel Rodríguez Tue, 07 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Goya’s black thinking <p>This paper sustains the thesis that the symbolic force of Goya's painting allows us to speak of a thought guided by the referential sustenance of black. In this way, we will emphasise that his entire oeuvre implies the consideration of a profound thought on human existence. In order to develop this objective, we shall enter into a dialogue with the Spanish painter's work as a whole. Through the analysis of the different stages, it will be possible to corroborate how the common thread of melancholy becomes a hermeneutic key. His melancholic painting will become the energy of the processes of transformation of his painting and of his own biography. The development of the alchemical process of the whole ensemble, through which we witness the progressive existential distillation of the nigredo, will therefore be spontaneously noticed.</p> Joaquín Esteban Ortega Copyright (c) 2024 Joaquín Esteban Ortega Thu, 25 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Demian Schopf’s machines: between algorithms and assemblages <p>The purpose of this article is to reflect on the relationship between human subjects and technological devices through two artistic installations: <em>Máquina Cóndor</em> (2006-ongoing) and <em>Máquina de Coser</em> (2009-ongoing), by Chilean visual artist Demian Schopf, through the critical perspective of new materialisms. By means of a brief theoretical journey that addresses the studies of Walter Benjamin (1936, 1983), Jane Bennett (2010), Jusi Parikka (2012, 2021), Manuel de Landa (2021), among others, I propose that Schopf's works are constitutive of a poetics of assemblage, in which the frictions between organic bodies and technological devices propitiates the configuration of a complex human-machinic framework. As a methodology, I examine two discursive procedures of the works that establish this configuration: writing and dialogue, poetic mechanisms made possible by artificial intelligence.</p> Joaquín Jiménez-Barrera Copyright (c) 2025 Joaquín Jiménez Barrera Tue, 07 Jan 2025 15:02:24 +0000 Sense and significance in the contemporary choreographic art: an aproximation to the compositional work of William Forsythe from the thought of Jacques Derrrida <p>The interest of this report resides in the communicative power of dance and in its capacity of been understood as a scenic and theatrical language, focusing both dance and choreograpy as possible independent languages able to generate sense, meaning and, or significance, questioning the&nbsp;possibility of being understood as a rhetoric display&nbsp; where the formal configuration takes the leading role in the scenic composition without giving up its communicative capacity; affair that&nbsp; wants to analyze the choreographic creation processes and dancistics from it interaction with the aesthetic theory and literature. To develop the present analysis we have chosen the aesthetic thought of Jacques Derrida, about whom we shall create&nbsp; the pertinent line of argument linking it to the compositive way of action of the american choreographer William Forsythe.</p> Isabel Arance Copyright (c) 2025 Isabel Arance Tue, 07 Jan 2025 18:26:50 +0000 Individuals in Leo Strauss's interpretation of the History of the Peloponnesian War <p>Thucydides in his narration of the Peloponnesian War gives a fundamental role to the action of individuals. For Leo Strauss, this importance is not merely historical. What the Athenian author seeks is to give universal lessons about political action. In this way, the characters are also archetypes and it is through the study of these that the aspiring politician can learn how to achieve better action, in addition to showing how to balance issues such as religion and politics.</p> Mathieu González Pauget Copyright (c) 2025 Mathieu González Pauget Tue, 07 Jan 2025 18:41:34 +0000 An approach to the concept of historicity in Ortega y Gasset: human life and the historical <p>In this paper an attempt will be made to carry out an approach to the ortegan concept of <em>historicity</em>, as it is exposed by the Spanish philosopher in some of his crucial texts. Likewise, it will seek to show how this concept is related and framed in Ortega's broader theory of human life. In summary, the objective of this paper is one: to develop an approach to the concept of historicity and its relationship and place within the theory about human life in Ortega y Gasset. On the other hand, some possible similarities (and differences) of the ortegan focusing with respect to other related authors, such as Heidegger and Sartre, will be indicated in broad strokes. To achieve the aforementioned, Ortega’s texts will be taken into account: <em>History as a system</em>, <em>Man and people</em>, <em>Ideas and beliefs</em>, <em>Asking for a Goethe from within </em>and<em> For the “Archive of the Word”</em>; on the texts of Heidegger and Sartre, these will be adequately indicated in their time and place.</p> Mitchel Angelo Rojas Valdés Copyright (c) 2025 Mitchel Angelo Rojas Valdés Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:07:32 +0000 Truth, dwelling, preserving: Heidegger and architecture <p>This article analyzes the peculiar understanding of the notion of truth that Heidegger develops in close connection with the problem of dwelling and preserving. The hypothesis that serves as a starting point is that space, understood as “gathering”, allows us to clarify the link between these notions and the conception of “being” as Geviert that is at the basis of the late Heideggerian approach. The paper concludes by offering an alternative interpretation of the relationship between truth and preserving, beyond a trivial ecologism.</p> Luciano Garófalo Rodríguez Copyright (c) Tue, 07 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Albert Camus: images of tension <p>Albert Camus has been a central figure in world culture for much of the 20th century. His polyphonic work combines metaphysical, anthropological and political problems. In this work we dwell on the "images" that disturb the soul of the writer and that, therefore, structure all his work. The tender and lost look of his mother, the child who dies in the streets of Algiers, the wooden piano that enlivens the sad day in the concentration camp are just some of the scenes that go through the great work. Our thesis is that they not only modulate the sensitivity of the great writer, but also give structure and motivation to his fundamental philosophical categories: absurdity and rebellion.</p> Juan Ignacio Blanco Ilari Copyright (c) 2025 Juan Ignacio Blanco Ilari Wed, 08 Jan 2025 13:11:54 +0000 Power relations and deontic modality in The Breadwinner: a socio-discursive approach for the pre-translation stage <p>This paper describes a study that approaches power relations expressed through deontic modal verbs in the novel <em>The Breadwinner </em>from a linguistic perspective focusing on the lexical-grammatical level. The study also explores, from a socio-discursive approach, the implication of habitus as a regulating principle of the social practices that permeate language and are reproduced through translation. The study allowed associating the meanings of deontic modal verbs with the forces with which power relations are constructed in this novel, in addition to identifying their various nuances, as a basis for making decisions for subsequent translation and for encouraging discussion and critical reflection on these issues.</p> Angela Morales Santibáñez, Marcela Contreras Torregrosa, Gisela Valenzuela González Copyright (c) 2025 Angela Morales Santibáñez, Marcela Contreras Torregrosa, Gisela Valenzuela González Wed, 08 Jan 2025 14:17:50 +0000 Notes on a theory of language in the space of poem: Cabe la forma (2021) by Mario Montalbetti <p>Desde los inicios de su trayectoria como lingüista y poeta, Mario Montalbetti (Lima, 1953) detecta que hay algo en el lenguaje que escapa a las teorías de carácter evolutivo (instrumental) y referencial (semántico) que se han dado sobre él. Algo que solo pone de manifiesto el poema, contexto en el que las palabras trascienden sus usos directos y comunicativos, y arman un sentido que no busca una correspondencia exacta en la realidad.</p> Helena Pagan Marín Copyright (c) 2025 Helena Pagan Marín Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Autofiction and Memory in Fuenzalida by Nona Fernández <p>En la actualidad la autoficción ocupa un lugar destacado dentro de las narrativas latinoamericanas asociadas a procesos de violencia política, evidenciando una producción relevante de novelas autoficcionales sobre todo a partir de los años 90. En este contexto, autores como Pedro Juan Gutiérrez y Zoé Valdés en Cuba, Fernando Vallejo en Colombia, Laura Alcoba en Argentina o Nona Fernández y Alejandro Zambra en Chile, por nombrar solo algunos, se han propuesto en su obra hacer memoria de estos sucesos y enfrentar al relato que proviene desde la oficialidad...</p> Fabián Leal Ulloa, Carolina Andrea Navarrete González, Gabriel Saldías Rossel, Marcelo Navarro Morales Copyright (c) 2025 Fabián Leal Ulloa, Carolina Andrea Navarrete González Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Pedro Emilio ZAMORANO, Historias del Arte en Chile 1850-1950. Origo. 2024, 462 pp. <p><em>Historias del Arte en Chile 1850-1950</em> es una obra exhaustiva que abarca un siglo de desarrollo artístico en el país. El recorrido que propone su autor, Pedro Emilio Zamorano, Doctor en Historia del Arte y académico titular de la Universidad de Talca, abarca aspectos históricos, sociales, culturales, estéticos e iconográficos presentes en la pintura, escultura, crítica e institucionalidad chilena.</p> Eric Salazar Copyright (c) 2025 Eric Salazar Wed, 08 Jan 2025 15:57:16 +0000 Valentina MARCHANT. El reverso del agua, Libros del Pez Espiral, 2023. <p>En un trabajo anterior sobre la poesía de Valentina Marchant (Bello 2016), la presentación de su primer libro, titulado <em>Tránsito ciego </em>(Marchant 2013), me pareció necesario situar la obra en una línea perdida de la poesía chilena, alejada de la atención crítica, desplazada, a partir de la década de los 60, del lugar primordial otorgado a la antipoesía y a la figura de Nicanor Parra, y con posterioridad a la idea de “poesía nueva” del periodo dictatorial...</p> Javier Bello Copyright (c) 2025 Javier Bello Wed, 08 Jan 2025 16:05:55 +0000