Personal identity as narrated time and fictional narrative

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Through a hermeneutical approach, this paper states that personal identity overcomes the aporetic of time when built as a fictional narrative. First, it proposes that the fictional narrative is inscribed in the mimesis circle. Secondly, that imagination is the faculty that creates the meaning of personal identity as fictional narrative. Thirdly, that it is the imagination that establishes the relation among fictional narrative, semantic innovation, and personal identity. Fourthly, that personal identity as fictional narrative stresses the importance of the narrative, which creates itself as a generator of meanings.

Article Details

Juan Edilberto Rendón Ángel
Daniel Castaño Zapata
Rubén Darío Palacio Mesa

Author Biographies

Juan Edilberto Rendón Ángel, Universidad de Medellín


Universidad de Medellín 


Daniel Castaño Zapata, Universidad de Medellín

Universidad de Medellín


Rubén Darío Palacio Mesa, Universidad de Medellín
Universidad de Medellín
Rendón Ángel, J. E., Castaño Zapata, D., & Palacio Mesa, R. D. (2022). Personal identity as narrated time and fictional narrative. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, (55), 73-87.


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