Vattimo and Taylor on the epistemological status of scientific knowledge: hermeneutical counterpoint

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In this paper I present the position of two philosophers associated with the hermeneutic tradition, Gianni Vattimo and Charles Taylor, about the status of scientific knowledge in our contemporary world. Through a brief exposition of the fundamental features of their respective ontologies and epistemologies, I seek to offer a critical comparison. In the conclusion, I defend the superiority of Taylor’s formulation, inasmuch it allows to put in question the primacy of the natural science model without abandoning a realist conception of the world and of the category of truth.

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Mauro J. Saiz

Author Biography

Mauro J. Saiz, Pontificia Universidad Católica
Pontificia Universidad Católica
Saiz, M. J. (2022). Vattimo and Taylor on the epistemological status of scientific knowledge: hermeneutical counterpoint. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, (55), 135-147.


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