Fictional world and videoscenic poiesis

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The videoscenic play is a hybrid product that presents a fictional world meaned through theatrical and audiovisual media from two different modes of representation, the narrative of enunciation audiovisual and the dramatic one. This research aims to discover how it works. To do this, it uses a methodology that relates the Internal Reference Field of the text and the External Reference Field. It is pointed to the projection screen, material support of audiovisual representation, as an interface between media and modes of representation, allowing the access of the theatrical character to the audiovisual universe and activating the viewer's participation in the construction of meaning, since it shares with the own text the levels of production and reception of the culture of the image in which it is immersed.


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Gustavo Montes

Author Biography

Gustavo Montes, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


Montes, G. (2022). Fictional world and videoscenic poiesis. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, (55), 149-167.


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