Alcoholic imaginaries in Pablo Neruda and Pablo de Rokha: towards a poetic of drunkenness
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N°43 Volumen I 2016
Section: Articles
In this article, I analyze the alcoholic imaginaries elaborated in Oda al vino by Pablo Neruda and Borrachos dionisíacos by Pablo de Rokha. As a hypothesis, I propose that both texts are a defense or apology of alcohol and drunkenness, where the worth of alcohol consumption is closely connected with the idea of masculinity postulated by poetic voices. In this sense, I also propose that both texts configure a poetic of drunkenness, which belongs to the tradition of poets who have sung the virtues of alcohol and its effects from Antiquity to Modernity.
Article Details
Barros Cruz, M. J. (2016). Alcoholic imaginaries in Pablo Neruda and Pablo de Rokha: towards a poetic of drunkenness. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(43), 143-156. Retrieved from
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