Evocations of Cervantes in Tirso

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This article analyses the non-existent, probable or concrete relationships between both writers: Cervantes and Tirso de Molina. The analysis focuses on four aspects: the probability that both of them met and knew each other, the presence of Tirso in the works by Cervantes, the influence of Cervantes in the plays of Tirso and Cervantes evocation in the works of the friar.


Article Details

Blanca Oteiza

Author Biography

Blanca Oteiza, Universidad de Navarra

GRISO-Universidad de Navarra
Campus Universitario, s/n 31009 Pamplona (España)

Oteiza, B. (2016). Evocations of Cervantes in Tirso. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(43), 233-244. Retrieved from https://revistaalpha.ulagos.cl/index.php/alpha/article/view/1592


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