Narrative time and narrative levels in the autobiographic literature

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This research study analyzes the narrative behaviour of that multiform set of works known as literatures of the Self, which includes both fictional and non-fictional stories. The main aspects discussed in this paper are the narrative time and the story structuring levels. This study is based on the method proposed by Gérard Genette in his work ―Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method‖. Although this method is completely valid, it has been supplemented with other more updated contributions from narratology and the linguistics of enunciation in order to provide a descriptive model capable of explaining the formal variants present in the study of the literatures of the Self.

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Elena Causante Fernández

Author Biography

Elena Causante Fernández, Universidad de Cádiz

Universidad de Cádiz
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Avda. Gómez Ulla, 11003 Cádiz (España)

Causante Fernández, E. (2018). Narrative time and narrative levels in the autobiographic literature. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(40), 9-20. Retrieved from


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