The mapudungun –fu morpheme: the grammatical coding of anti-perfect

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The perfect aspect is a retrospective aspect that encodes the current relevance of a previous event. In this work, we propose a semantic and grammatical category labeled as antiperfect that, in contrast to the perfect aspect, encodes the non-validity of a previous eventuality in speech time. Given that, as the perfect aspect, the antiperfect is subject to the current relevance of a previous situation, we propose that this is a second type of retrospective aspect. After reviewing the descriptions of perfect by Comrie (1976), Dik (1997) and Nishiyama & Koenig (2010), and the description of discontinuous past by Plungian & van der Auwera (2006), we analyze how the antiperfect is grammatically encoded in Mapudungun by means of the morpheme –fu. We focus the analysis of this category on its semantic-pragmatic description, its relation to aktionsart, and the role of context in its interpretation

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Guillermo Soto
Felipe Hasler

Author Biographies

Guillermo Soto, Universidad de Chile

Universidad de Chile
Ignacio Carrera Pinto 1025, Ñuñoa, Santiago de Chile

Felipe Hasler, Universidad de Chile

Universidad de Chile
CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina)
Ignacio Carrera Pinto 1025, Ñuñoa, Santiago de Chile

Soto, G., & Hasler, F. (2018). The mapudungun –fu morpheme: the grammatical coding of anti-perfect. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(40), 95-112. Retrieved from


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