Lexical Tradition and Novelty in a Coastal Area (Bío-Bío) and Araucania Regions

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This paper presents the conclusions of a dialectological research developed in a coastal area in the south of Chile (Bío-Bío and Araucania Regions). The analysis of the material shows remarkable traditional lexical stability derived from Hispanic roots related to navigation and small fishing vessels. More changes and geographical variations are observed with respect to the fishing terminology as a result of the changes in that referential domain during the last decades. Some indigenous terms from Mapudungun, language that has lost much vitality in this area of the country, are also recognized in this study.

Article Details

Constantino Contreras Oyarzún
Mario Bernales Lillo

Author Biographies

Constantino Contreras Oyarzún, Universidad de La Frontera

Universidad de La Frontera
Departamento de Lenguas, Literatura y Comunicación
Casilla 78, Castro (CHILE)

Mario Bernales Lillo, Universidad de La Frontera

Universidad de La Frontera
Departamento de Lenguas, Literatura y Comunicación
Casilla 54-D., Temuco (CHILE)

Contreras Oyarzún, C., & Bernales Lillo, M. (2018). Lexical Tradition and Novelty in a Coastal Area (Bío-Bío) and Araucania Regions. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(38), 117-136. Retrieved from https://revistaalpha.ulagos.cl/index.php/alpha/article/view/1695


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