José Miguel Blanco: a writer of fine arts
Main Article Content
N°37 Volumen II 2013
Section: Articles
The Chilean artist José Miguel Blanco had a protagonic role in the culture scene in the country during the second half of the 19th century. Besides his works of sculpture, reflected in an important quantity of pieces of art, a great part of his work was related to the Artistic Writing, which was materialized, mainly in the newspapers called El Taller Ilustrado, the first informative media in the country dedicated exclusively to the topics of Art, that this sculptor created and managed for almost five years. From this tribune, Blanco promoted information, debates and initiatives that contributed to the development of culture in Chile. The sculptor is, without any doubt, the most prolific author in Chilean Artistic Writing in his time.
Article Details
Zamorano Pérez, P. E., Madrid Letelier, A., & Cortés López, C. (2018). José Miguel Blanco: a writer of fine arts. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 2(37), 149-162. Retrieved from
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