Functions and features of changing classes derivational suffixes of words in the mapudungun

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This study analyzes word classes changes process in Mapudungun through derivation, from the typological perspective of word class formation (Aikhenvald, 2007). Words, in the Mapuche language, use certain morphological and syntactic processes that make possible word class changes, in either of three ways: the intervention of a derivational suffix, by the polysemic property of derivational suffixes, or by changing the position of the word with respect to a principal word.
While the most productive processes of word formation often are composition and derivation, due to length reasons this article will focus on the derivation process and analysis of only the suffixes -tu, -küle/-le,-meke, and -nge.

Article Details

Elisa Loncon Antileo

Author Biography

Elisa Loncon Antileo, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Facultad de Humanidades, departamento de Educación
Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 2206, Santiago (Chile)

Loncon Antileo, E. (2018). Functions and features of changing classes derivational suffixes of words in the mapudungun. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 2(35), 135-146. Retrieved from


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