Impoliteness strategies in the Chilean parliamentary discourse
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N°35 Volumen II 2012
Section: Articles
The purpose of this article is to analyze impoliteness strategies in a sample of Chilean parliamentary discourse. To that effect, this study puts forward an analysis of the discourse sequences manifesting these strategies in a corpus constituted by 28 sessions held between 2005 and 2007 by the honorable Chamber of Representatives of Chile, in which different and controversial issues of public interest were discussed. For the analysis of impoliteness in political discourse carried out in this study, the works of Chilton y Schäffner (1999), Blas Arroyo’s (2001 and 2003) and Bolívar’s (2005) were consulted, among others. Once the transcriptions of the sessions under analysis were processed, the following impoliteness strategies expressing the representatives’ political goals were identified: attacking the opponent’s public image and protecting the own public image. Likewise, the first of these strategies was sub-classified into the following tactics: discrediting, ridiculizing, and intimidating.
Article Details
San Martín Nuñez, A., & Guerrero, S. (2018). Impoliteness strategies in the Chilean parliamentary discourse. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 2(35), 147-168. Retrieved from
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