La costurera y el viento by César Aira: the Patagonia like textual corpus

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This work analyzes the images of the Patagonian space putted on display in the novel La costurera y el viento (1994) by César Aira, as well as the discursive procedures with which these images are constructed. The book exhibits the Patagonia as a textual and textualized corpus complex, through which the literary construction of the region, as a liminal zone profuse in fictions of identities, is problematized. From an ostensible narrative performativity, the novel combines the invention of the space and the frequent reference to a historical and literary cartography updated in a dispersion of intertextual affiliations.

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Luciana Mellado

Author Biography

Luciana Mellado, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco

Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Ciudad Universitaria. Ruta 1. Km. 4
Comodoro Rivadavia. Chubut. C.P. 9005 (Argentina)

Mellado, L. (2018). La costurera y el viento by César Aira: the Patagonia like textual corpus. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(34), 63-76. Retrieved from


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