Interpretative communities. Perspectives on Stanley Fish’s literary hermeneutics

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In this article, we explore one of the most comprehensive notions of our
contemporary hermeneutics: the concept of “interpretative community”, which reminds us that every interpretation relies on the background of our precomprehension of shared practices and institutional commitments. Thus, we inquire the origins of the “interpretative community” in the border hermeneutics of Stanley Fish (a postmetaphysical and literary hermeneutics), in order to understand the limits of the hermeneutical community, and to elucidate different interpretations of our common comprehensive backgrounds, through our hermeneutical tradition.

Article Details

Juan Antonio González de requena

Author Biography

Juan Antonio González de requena, Particular

C/ Volcán Corcovado 5036, Puerto Montt (Chile)

González de requena, J. A. (2019). Interpretative communities. Perspectives on Stanley Fish’s literary hermeneutics. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 2(29), 233-250. Retrieved from


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