Strange Areas of the Real: The book as an archiving installation. In “Poemas Encontrados” and other pre-texts (1991) by Jorge Torres

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We would like to begin with the story of a non-existent work. It is mentioned in the prologue of "Sobre la ausencia. Una conversación clandestina, un relato censurado  (2009), a posthumous book by the Chilean novelist Carlos Droguett prepared by Roberto Contreras. Contreras mentions the existence of a text called "Cacería de Mujeres" which Droguett is said to have constructed from the assembly of testimonies about the disappearance and murder of women carried out by the Chilean armed forces during the Pinochet dictatorship.

Article Details

Jonnathan Opazo Hernández
Opazo Hernández, J. (2024). Strange Areas of the Real: The book as an archiving installation. In “Poemas Encontrados” and other pre-texts (1991) by Jorge Torres. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(58), 201-207.


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