Time consciousness in St. Agustin and Husserl. The original modes of subjectivity

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This article presents Saint Agustin as a starting point for Husserl’s reflection on time and the correlation between memory and Erinnerung. Husserl’s phenomenological research on the internal consciousness of time starts from the reflection of St. Augustine on the same problem. In this works, time can be measured because there is distentio animi. In Husserl, Die Erinnerung places us in the face of an infinite “before” connection, because all perceptions are to be found on a relationship of multiplicity of perceptions. Both thinkers are united by the vocation to account for their own immanence.


Article Details

Claudio Césas Calabrese

Author Biography

Claudio Césas Calabrese, Universidad Panamericana
Universidad Panamericana
Campus Aguascalientes 
Calabrese, C. C. (2019). Time consciousness in St. Agustin and Husserl. The original modes of subjectivity. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(48), 109-122. https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-2201201900048620


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