Ukiyo-e, image, paradigm and representation: annotations from a chilean collection

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This article proposes a reflection about a collection of ukiyo-e from the Archivo Central Andrés Bello of the Universidad Chile. The breadth of the problem is extended on two exploratory constellations: on the one hand, to inquire the controversy, apparently, to interrogate the Japanese object from Western disciplinary logics (paradigms), that means, through the West-East dichotomy. On the other hand, to characterize how this initial tension was neglected or inverted, as a social paradigm on ukiyo-e, and with it, the principle of associativity of the images in the space of the (local) museum.

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Gonzalo Maire

Author Biography

Gonzalo Maire, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile)
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez 
Maire, G. (2019). Ukiyo-e, image, paradigm and representation: annotations from a chilean collection. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(48), 167-178.


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