Latin American Antigone as Language of Urgency

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This essay aims to read from the concept of urgency, some of the rewrites of Antigone in Latin America that have been configured around processes of violence and forced disappearances. It also confirms the current relevance of the tragedy of Sophocles that is reinvented in the contemporary scene, in the form of devices capable of reaching a political dimension through a poetic of sensitivity. The urgency is presented as a creative impulse that the devices elaborate as a theatrical event and appears not as a rush but as a space for action, which is not subject to the rational or productive conception of time.

Article Details

Javiera Nuñez

Author Biography

Javiera Nuñez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 
Nuñez, J. (2020). Latin American Antigone as Language of Urgency. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 1(50), 263-288.


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