La noción de discurso en Heidegger: una anticipación de décadas a la moderna teoría del discurso

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Heidegger makes an approach to the notion of discourse which, to de magnitude of his work and the more or less marginal character that this notion has in that group, has not yet deserved systematic treatment. In this communication we try to collect some relevant elements of this thematization and emphasize the relationship that it manifests with its early conception of meaning. We concluded that the discourse thematization that Heidegger develops is decades ahead of what contemporary discourse theory is today.

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Eduardo Risco del Valle

Author Biography

Eduardo Risco del Valle, Universidad de Los Lagos (Chile)


Universidad de Los Lagos (Chile)


Risco del Valle, E. (2021). La noción de discurso en Heidegger: una anticipación de décadas a la moderna teoría del discurso. ALPHA: Revista De Artes, Letras Y Filosofía, 2(53), 251-262.


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